English is crazy!

By | Feb 5
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English is crazy.  This sentence has seven identical words in a row and it still makes sense.

“It is true for all that that that that that that that refers to is not the same that that that that refers to.” (= It is true for all that, that that “that” which that “that” refers to is not the same “that” which that “that” refers to.)


Here is a similar sentence.  Maybe it will help to make sense of the first sentence:

It is true, despite everything you say, that this word which this word refers to is not the same word which this word refers to.

And if you want to be really correct:

It is true, despite everything you say, that this word to which this word refers is not the same word to which this word refers.

So you see, English is crazy.  Of course, nobody would ever actually talk like this… that would be crazy.

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2 thoughts on “English is crazy!

  1. 90Eloisa

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    1. baronmarsh Post author

      Hello Jenna,

      What a nice thing to say. Thank you, and Merry Christmas!


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